Nov 122020

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Non-Executive Director - Retail & Commercial Bank

Business / Organisation Name: Retail & Commercial Bank
Business / Organisation Sector: Private
Business / Organisation Type: Private Company
Role Title: Non-Executive Director
Remuneration: Paid

Non-Executive Director with Digital Experience, for a retail & commercial bank with a branch network

The Bank is looking to build & develop a broader set of Technology & Digital capabilities, through the appointment of an additional Technology focused Independent Non-Executive Director, able to take a view on market dynamics, the latest technology / digital trends and their implications for the Bank.

Expertise, skills & background

  • Open to individuals without previous Board experience. Commercial experience & capability to work well as a member of the Board critical
  • Able to bring your experience to the broader Board discussions and provide guidance in demonstrating how technology can strategically and tangibly influence the business commercial agenda
  • Domain expertise with top notch technology credentials and an understanding of the impact of the consumerisation of technology/digital disruption
  • Be conversant in the evolution of technology platforms (including Open Banking for FS), API architecture and the digital ecosystem
  • Act as a rounded technologist with the understanding of how IT is run “from within” and experience across operations/platforms/architecture as well as market-facing application/product/software
  • Background, an executive career as a senior Technology Leader. Involved in shaping business strategy and driving IT transformation. Commercial and operational experience gained in a data intensive business and exposure to businesses with large customer or client database

Application Details

Please send your CV with covering letter to:

[email protected]
FAO Deanne Sutherland

Closing Date: 26/11/2020
Contact Name: Deanne Sutherland
Contact Telephone: +44 207 943 1929
Contact Email: [email protected]

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